Saturday, September 15, 2018

DNA Doe Project Launches Subdivision, Trans Doe Task Force

On September 14, 2018 at 12:25 AM the Facebook page for Trans Doe Task Force went live. The task force is a division of the DNA Doe Project, a not-for-profit which uses genealogy testing to identify victims of: homicide, auto accidents, etc. After they announced that they would be working on the Julie Doe case, an unidentified transgender homicide victim from Florida, activist Lincoln Rose got in contact with Margaret Press (co-founder of DNA Doe Project).

Lincoln is an advocate and activist with Trans Cold Cases, an initiative which seeks to highlight transgender victims of homicide, that often go unnoticed. Through Rose's research, he has found that an alarming number of transgender homicide victims aren't recognized, as they are often misgendered by law enforcement; causing the exact number of trans homicides; particularly ones that are unsolved, to "slip through the cracks".

It is unknown the exact conversation exchanged between Press and Lincoln; however the Trans Doe Task Force most likely arose out of said conversation, after Rose had concerns about the exact reporting of gender and naming (posted on one of DDP's statuses), if Julie happens to be identified soon, along with other trans victims.

Trans Doe Task Force will most likely be handling the Julie Doe case as well as: Markham Ontario Doe, Dane County Doe, and Ocean Parkway Doe, although an exact list of cases have not been published at the time of this writing.

For more information, give them a like on Facebook at Trans Doe Task Force 

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