KC's murder by stabbing was solved rather quickly when a security camera at a nearby tattoo shop caught her murder on camera. Haggard was seen on camera getting into an SUV, driven by a man named Richard Joseph Lopez. It is believed that Richard was looking for a prostitute for sex when he encountered KC, an intoxicated Lopez assumed KC was female until he got a closer look; stabbing her to death out of rage. Richard is shown on tape to stab Haggard in the throat before she gets out of the car; stumbling a few feet before collapsing.
Detectives traced the silver SUV in the video to a man in Oregon. Upon questioning the man, he revealed he sold the car to Lopez and was cleared of any wrongdoing. Investigators tracked down another man, Refugio Cedillo, who cleaned the car after KC's murder but he was not charged and ultimately passed away in a motorcycle crash that December.
In February 2018, more than two years after the murder, police charged Richard Lopez for the murder of KC Haggard while Lopez was already in prison serving a three year sentence for stealing an elderly couple's truck in November 2017. It was reported that the couple took him in to feed him on a snowy night. It is unclear if Richard will receive a hate crime charge in KC's death.
NOTE: Since KC was recently out, she doesn't have any pictures of her as a woman. All I could find is one booking photo of her as male. There are reports that she set up a Facebook page with her dressed as female in her pictures; however I cannot find these at the moment. If I find them in the future, I'll add them here. The only picture I'll add to this post is a portrait of Haggard.
Um, actually Kc never entered the vehicle a SUV pulled up and kc walked over to vehicle the killer reached over the passenger seat from the driver's side n stabbed kc once in the neck from the passenger side window she was outside the vehicle the door was never opened the killer never stepped foot outside. The whole video is online.
ReplyDeleteKC didn't get in the car, she was newly out, dressed very conservative and liked a local bar. So please don't insult her in death. Walking home while trans must not be a death sentence.
ReplyDeleteI'm completing a documentary on how horrible we get treated and KC is in it.
Law enforcement degraded her and now let the murderer off.Your inuendo is wrong, hateful and no better than the Fresno hater police. Please correct your story.